Monday, April 6, 2009

There Is A New Sheriff In Town

There is something about me not everyone may know: I ABSOLUTELY hate Phil Collins. I don't know why. I just do not like the man. I don't think he is a particularly good singer or drummer. I say he may have had something to do with Genesis becoming an awful band (I know Peter Gabriel choose to leave Genesis, but come on couldn't Mike Rutherford have piped in? Who decided to move Phil Collins up from drums to vocals?) I believe I used to like Phil Collins years ago, but I guess I outgrew that. I liked Michael Bolton too, but I outgrew that. Although, I don't hate Michael Bolton.

So why is Phil Collins my ketchup? The one other thing I hate as much as I hate Phil Collins is ketchup. Ketchup is gross. So why associate the two? I was sitting in a job interview once and the interviewer and I got to talking about music. For some reason Phil Collins came up and I shuddered. She asked me what was wrong and I told her Phil Collins is my ketchup. Puzzled, she asked me to explain, so I told her about Phil Collins and ketchup and how equally wrong and evil both things are. It didn't take much explaining, she knew where I was going with this and she let me know that Dave Matthews Band is her mustard.

I think I may be on to something. Name your least favorite band/musician and your least favorite condiment and you have your own Phil Collins is my ketchup. Let me know what you come up with =]


  1. Garth Brooks is my sweet relish.

  2. Mariah Carey is my spicy mustard.

  3. Hmm... Joe Riley (Children's Folk singer)
    Joe Riley is my sauerkraut. (Does that count?)
    COurtney who is your mushroom?

  4. that does count Keisha. hmmm...who is my mushroom??? Nickleback is my mushroom
