Monday, April 13, 2009


This year Easter was at my Moom's house (Moom is a nickname I gave my Mom a few years back and it stuck, I'll tell that story later)). Most of the family gathered for golf, too much food and an Easter egg hunt. I say most because two of my brothers weren't able to come in town for Easter, but we were able to celebrate with my Moom, her husband Gerry, my sister Heather, her husband Matt and their kids Peter, Evelyn, Mya, Lily and Margaret, my brother Scott, his wife Nicole and their kids Logan and Veda, my step brother Joel, his wife Imelda, daughters Sofia and Vivianna and Imelda's sister from Mexico, my step brother Jonathan, me and Drew (whew!)

Easter was a lot of fun. We sat around eating and watching golf. Other than Gerry, no one in the family plays golf. I follow golf, so it was nice to have The Masters on,I learned rather quickly that I am much better at watching golf than playing golf. Gerry is a big Tiger fan and I am a Mickelson fan, so we had some fun trashing one another.

After we ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and oh, yeah ate, we had our Easter egg hunt. So much fun! When Drew and I got to Gerry and Moom's, we went around the house and hid eggs, Drew went back out later and hid more eggs. Total we hid about 60 eggs for the kids to find.
This year Evelyn wanted me to be her "egg adult escort" (each kid has to have an adult hunt eggs with them), Mya wanted me to be her "agg adult escort" as well, so I had double the egg hunting to do.

Sofia ended up "winning" the egg hunt. Sofia cleaned up! After hunting eggs, we went back in to eat some more and watch more golf.
I was beat by the time I had to drive home from Dearborn. I was thinking I was going to come home and go right to bed, not so much. I got home a little before 8:00 pm and didn't go to bed until after midnight and I slept in until 10:15 this morning. Easter took a lot out of me

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