Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Admit, I May Have Waited To Long

I had an assignment last week to write about TV ratings and what people are watching. I clicked on the link my professor gave us, read the article and well, didn't write the assignment. I had every intention to write it, but I have had other things to do. I had some down time this morning, went back to the link my professor gave me and what do you know, I can't find the original article I was reading. Stupid me closed out the window with the article.

Why do I do this to myself? I tried writing the assignment a few times last week and over the weekend, but I didn't like where I was going with the assignment, so I walked away from the assignment for a while. If I sit and stare at something I need to write and force myself to write it I usually end up writing something I'm not happy with. I hate what kind of student I am. I am by no means a "book smart" person, I'm not 100% sure I am even a "smart" person. I can be witty and funny, but not so much "smart". Is it my own fault? Am I just not trying hard enough? Am I lazy? Am I unmotivated? Am, I am not dumb, I am just me. Not a great student, not a scholar, just me.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Courtney, since you are not a "scholar", you do not know what you are talking about. Remember, something is not good unless a scholar says it is. Only if you are a scholar can you have an opinion on something. You can only like something if a scholar says it is worthy of being liked.

