Monday, April 27, 2009

The Mistake By The Lake

Last week Tuesday Drew had a job interview in Cleveland, OH. Last week Thursday Drew got offered the job he interviewed for in Cleveland, OH. Last week Friday Drew accepted the job in Cleveland, OH that was offered to him. Last week Saturday Drew started packing his things to move to Cleveland, OH. Yesterday Drew left for his temporary home, The Courtyard Marriott in Cleveland, OH.

Drew and I are officially moving to Cleveland. I am going down there this coming weekend so he and I can look for a place. We are debating about whether we want to rent an apartment or a house. I think we're leaning towards an apartment (bummer). If we rent an apartment we'll save money, but we probably won't have enough space for all our stuff, so we'll probably have to rent a storage unit to hold onto our junk for a year or two.

I am really excited to move. Of course I am going to miss my family and friends up here, but I think the move is going to be good for us. Drew has found a new doctor to go to. Drew's doctor is right at Cleveland Clinic and the Cleveland Clinic is 3 blocks from Drew's office. The new doctor is a non-narcotic doctor, which is awesome! Drew has been wanting to get off the narcotics for a long time.

It's going to be an adjustment when I get down there. I won't be fully moved for a few weeks. I have so much stuff to do up here before I go. It's going to be a crazy few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know if you need me to come help at the house. I can make arrangements. Friday's are usually free.
