Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spring Break Can Not Get Here Fast Enough!

This year for Spring Break I am actually going somewhere! Drew and I have planned (not just planned but booked) a trip to Washington DC! I know it's not a typical trip to Mexico or Jamaica (ahhhh Jamaica) spending a week in the sand and surf filled with drinking contests and all night parties. It's going to be me and Drew driving to Washington DC, staying in Downtown DC for a week. Cell phones will probably be turned off, yet internet will stay on. I am bringing our camera and hope to take 5,000 pictures documenting our trip! I am so excited! Drew and I haven't been on vacation since our honeymoon to Jamaica in 2004. No wait, I lied. We did spend a week in Minnesota, but that whole week was spent inside The Mayo Clinic, Drew was in a hospital bed and I spent everyday in the chair next to his bed. Technically we were out of town, but it wasn't a vacation.

We are leaving bright and early Friday March 6 and won't be home until Saturday March 14. It's going to be awesome!!

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