Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Harlo Has A First Name It's H-A-R-L-O

August 2007 Drew and I rescued a dog from the Royal Oak Animal Shelter. Her name is Harlo, she is a German Shepherd/Greyhound mix. When we first brought Harlo home we were excited and nervous. Drew had a dog when he and I first met. Shortly after we started dating Drew had to get rid of his dog Lucy. Drew was afraid of not connecting with Harlo and feared having to eventually give up another dog. So, going into Harlo's adoption we decided we were in this for the long haul and giving her up would never be an option.

Very quickly after we brought Harlo home, we fell in love with her. Harlo is a great dog, full of energy and love. Soon after we got Harlo we noticed her personality really reflected both Drew an myself. Harlo loves to sleep (like me) and Harlo is very affectionate (like Drew), Harlo is also a bed hog (like me) and protective (like Drew).

Not knowing Harlo's past made things difficult for us at first. All we knew about Harlo was she had been abandoned twice in one year, had lived in the shelter for 17 months, was about 2 years old and had been abused. Drew and I noticed signs of abuse and abandonment right away. Harlo was skittish with hands in her face and she would go crazy when Drew and I left the house together. From whet we gather about her previous owners, they moved out of state and left Harlo alone in the house.

We've had Harlo for a year and a half. Harlo is the most loving, caring, loyal dog. Harlo senses when Drew doesn't feel well and doesn't leave his side on days the pain is too much and Drew spends the day inside. Harlo also knows that I am a big fan of sleeping in so it's not uncommon for her to come upstairs and crawl into bed with me.

Drew and I have decided that Harlo loves to watch nature shows and crime shows. When Drew and I settle in to watch tv, Harlo is right there wedged either between us or plopped on one of our laps. Drew and I have both caught the other talking to Harlo, asking her opinion on something or just talking to her about the weather or family.

Drew and I love having Harlo around. Harlo is our baby =]

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