Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Am Not A Poet

Last semester I took a Creative Writing class. The class was nothing like I had expected. Creative Writing turned out to be a very painful class. We studied poetry and short stories - my personal opinion; the class spent too much time focused on poetry and not nearly enough on short stories. Anyway, there were a few poems I wrote that I kind of liked. Here's one of them:

The Booger Poem
by Courtney M. Bufalini

I sit across the room,
Do you know I can see you?
I see you look left,
I see you look right.
You look right at me,
and the show begins.
You know there is nothing up there
Don’t you?
Are you looking for treasure?
Are you looking for bats?
Are you looking for hangers?
Is your knuckle really in there?
I think you lost your watch.
You know you’re missing a ring.
Don’t you?
Maybe you can look for that later.
I have a feeling this is normal for you.
Good luck finding what you are looking for.

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