Monday, March 30, 2009

Can I Just Say That I Love My Job?

In my lifetime of jobs and paychecks, I have never loved my job. I've had a lot of jobs - I sold shoes, worked as a micrographics filmer, a bookkeeper, a food cashier, a green house weed puller, a teller, a receptionist, a radio station promoter, a bartender, a waitress, a client service rep.....blah, blah, blah, the list goes on.

For the past year a half I have been working as a Production Assistant. Since I began working as a PA I have enjoyed ever single day I've been in the office. No two days are the same. I work with three of the best people ever (and I'm the only girl). They are like a family to me. There is no petty, snarky bad mouthing - we are all up front, no lying or negative story telling. I couldn't imagine saying anything bad about my co-workers.

At any of my other jobs, if I came in to what I did today, I probably would have been bitching up a storm. Not now. I came in today, walked into my bosses office and said hi. He looks at me kinda weird, half smiles and says "What are you doing tomorrow? Want to work? We kind of need you to work. Sorry for the short notice." I know that doesn't sound like much. Maybe it was the way he asked me, or the fact that he asked me and didn't tell me. Sometimes it's all about the delivery of the question, not so much the question itself.
Of course I jumped on the chance to work. It's going to be a fun, long day. I have to be at the office no later than 7:30 am and I should be back here by 2:00 pm. There's going to be a lot of moving and setting up equipment, I'll be worn out and tired when I'm done for the day but that's okay. I love my job, it's so worth it

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome that you love your job!
    I have always found that to be extremely important.
