Sunday, March 29, 2009

4 Weeks And Counting

Today is March 29. One month from today is the last day of the semester. I couldn't be more excited to finish what has been an up and down semester of writing papers, scripts, director's notebooks, shot lists and treatments.

Mentally, I have been done with the semester for about a month. The classes and work are getting to me. I am burnt out. I want to stop doing homework. I want to come home at night and not have to do homework. I work Monday and Friday nights, I am in school Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. During the day I am constantly doing homework or meeting with Andrea, Keisha or Janelle to work on group projects or running around with them to finish an assignment.

I am one year away from graduation. I have Ethics and Problems in International Politics left to take. On top of that I have Service Practicum, Senior Prod. Practicum and Program Management. That's it. The end is so close I can almost taste it.
I am hopefully meeting with my adviser this week to talk about what I need to do to fill the Practicums and Program Management requirements.

Some days I am so excited to be almost done. Other days I am struggling to find the motivation to go to class. Other days I would like to walk away from going to school completely.

I'm lucky to have such a supportive husband, family and group of friends who talk me out of walking away. I know I can finish school and get my degree. I am four weeks away from the end of this semester and roughly 409 days away from graduation


  1. Keep on Keepin on. You are so close. I know your pain in so many ways. It only makes sense to push it the rest of the way out. I know you can do it.

  2. I second KT's comment!
    You are soo close!
    It will be over before you know it :)
