Thursday, January 22, 2009

how to spend a Sunday

So this morning I woke up around 11:20 and had been up for a little bit (more like 11:24, but who's paying attention?), I was drinking coffee, hanging with Drew and Harlo and my phone rings. It was my sister, Heather, wanting to know what I was doing and asking if I wanted to go to Panera for lunch (it was around 12:15 or so). I went back and forth with her telling her I was going to do homework all day and stay home. Heather starts to guilt trip me into feeling bad about not going out with her. I gave in, rather quickly, and went out to lunch. I am so, so, so, so, so glad I went. Heazy (a nickname I gave Heather when I were about 4) and I had such a good time. We sat in Panera for over 2 hours hanging out, talking, telling stories about when we were little and comparing our relationship growing up to Evelyn and Mya's relationships (Heather's two oldest daughters). I can tell you if Evelyn and Mya end up like Heather and me, they will eventually (very important word) become best friends. I don't think I learned to appreciate my sister until I was in my 20's. It sounds horrible, but unfortunately that's how it worked out

When Heather and I were little, we hated hanging out together and hated having to share friends. There are two and a half years between Heather and me. We found all day, almost every day. We had our few brief moments of getting along, other than that it was war. My parents, okay my dad, hated hearing us fight, but Heather and I had to fight, so we invented what we called "silent fighting". Silent fighting is, I hope, what it sounds like. Heather and I would pinch, kick, punch, scratch and pull hair all without making a sound. The joys of silent fighting were when, if we timed it correctly, Heather and I could have a full on dragged out, gloves off fight not make a sound and not get into trouble. We did this off and on for about 18 years, all hours of the day and night
We laugh about it now and I try to reference silent fights into conversations with Heather's kids. It's funny to hear things about Heather's girls and the fights they get into. I hope Evelyn and Mya and Lily ad Margaret don't take 18 or 20 years to learn to appreciate their sisters. The bonus for the girls is they at least have more than one sister to choose from. Heather and I only had one choice: love your sister or hate your sister. I love my sister =)

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