Thursday, February 5, 2009

I Gots My Hair Did........

Some people tell me I am obsessed with my hair. That may or may bot be true. I look at my hair as a security blanket. Eleven years ago my hair was long, past my elbows, it was colored brown with blonde hi-lites. For some odd reason I decided I wanted something different. Over the course of a few weeks, I went from long and flowing brown with hi-lites to a chin length dark brown bob. The bob was a cute look on me for all of 10 seconds. I got home from the salon and cried and cried and did what? Oh yeah, cried. I HATED my hair bobbed. I decided to grow my hair long again. Years and years and years later I am almost to my goal length (yes, I have a goal length)

I discovered a hair "support" web-site/message board. I began looking through this board to get tips about what I could do to make my hair healthier. Some of the tips I've read about are, I'll admit, crazy. Other tips makes sense. I try to wash my hair two or three times a week. In between washings I "work" my natural oils through my hair with my fingers or a wide tooth comb. Natural oils from your scalp are so good for your hair. For a while I washed my hair only with water, while applying conditioner on the ends only. I do regular scalp massages, Drew even helps me out and will offer to massage my head for me. Sounds crazy, but usually the day after a head massage from Drew my hair has such awesome volume! I get criticized for how particular I am about my hair, because I do nothing with it. I don't use heat on my hair and I use very little product on my hair.

I used to get my hair cut once or twice a year, I have since increased that to get my hair cut on more of a regular basis. If I want my hair to grow, I have to get regular trims. I did go back to getting my hair colored, only because the gray hairs were taking over and at 33, I wasn't excited about the grays moving in. Getting my hair colored before would cost anywhere from $70.00 up to $170.00. Because of the length of my hair, I would sometimes get charged for more than one color application. That can add up fast. I was talking (complaining) about this to my sister (bestest sister on the planet!) and she suggested we try doing it at home. I went to Sally's, with my trusted partner in crime Keisha, picked out some color, a bottle of developer and for under $20.00 was able to get my hair colored. I was pumped and excited and I had new hair!

My goal is to have my hair to my waist by my 34th birthday. My long term goal is to grow my hair to my tailbone, realistically I don't think that will happen. Even I think hair can be too long. I'll do my best to not write too many blogs about my hair and my journey. Hard to believe not all people like talking about hair, especially my hair. Weird huh? I know.

I got my hair cut last week. Got an inch off the back and cleaned up the layers. I went to my sister's on Saturday and got my hair colored. Something went a bit wrong with the coloring, my roots have faded to a weird gold color. Whatever. I'm not going to be picky about it. Total cost for Heazy to color my hair was $10.00! Not bad sister. Not bad!


  1. I feel ya.. I am over-protective about my hair too.
    Cut it short once and never doing it again!

  2. About the twinsies:

    I don't know the details about how many minutes apart they were or who was born first, but my guess would be Jenna. That girl was born a control freak.

    They were carried VERY far into term, but I'm not sure exactly how far -- ballpark would be eight months. Jenna weighed 7lb 5oz and Jake weighed 6lb 13oz so just like you and Scott, there was a whoooole lotta baby. Stacy couldn't drive the last month of her pregnancy because she couldn't fit in the seat.
