Thursday, January 15, 2009

if my name were Lucy, I'd have some 'splaining to do

Something occurred to me as I was walking through the sweet smelling hallway of the Science Building, I briefly mentioned in my first post about Drew losing his job and it not being health related. I should probably explain what I mean by that.

Drew (my boo) has been suffering from Chronic Kidney Stones, Arthritis in the back and Chronic Back Pain for four years. To date, Drew has passed over 270 kidney stones, had over 60 Emergency Room visits, about 20 week long or more hospital stays and almost a dozen kidney and or back surgeries. Drew has been on narcotic pain killers for over four years. He is NOT addicted to pain medication, he wants to get off the pain medication. Drew has a stimulator implanted into his back to help control any breakthrough pain that the narcotics don't take care of. Drew is in constant pain. From all these problems, Drew has been fired from two jobs, on disability and denied Social Security twice. Drew and I have had to pay for COBRA insurance from when he lost both jobs and we are looking at COBRA again. Without insurance, Drew's pain medication alone is over $2,000 a month.

I feel so stuck with the situation. I work part-time, go to school full-time, take care of him when I can and do a really, really shitty job of keeping up with the house. I'm not going to get all down in the kidney stone dumps and ask for sympathy, I'm just explaining my situation. Most of the time I am a pretty happy go-lucky, sarcastic, (some say) funny, roll stuff off my back kind of person. If I'm not one day, I probably have something going on with Drew (when I'm in school, he hates for me to miss class. If he does need to go to the Emergency Room and I have class, I will drop him off at the hospital, go to school and come back later to pick him up does that make me sound like an ice princess?) I try not to take out personal stuff on people at school and I certainly try not to wear my emotions on my sleeve. Some days I fail some days I succeed. I have learned a lot about kidney stones and back pain over the past four years. If this gets you wondering about anything, ask. My life is pretty much and open book.


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